Friday, June 13, 2008

Tepid water turning cold...

Back in school, we were repeatedly told to read newspapers to improve our vocabulary..blah..blah... I never really cared. But these days, I reckon I should feel proud about it considering all the rubbish that's poured in : [ Britney wants to be buried next to Monroe is probably the biggest piece of trash today.:) ]. However, not very long ago, I (accidentally, I assure you) see this article in the paper saying the govt. has decided to start 9 new IIT's! True,'ve probably seen loads of people blabbering about the issue till date. But my frustration has got the better of me; Also, being an IITian myself, let me assure you that it frustrates me even more than it should. I don't promise a lot of fresh content but again, I reckon that hardly matters.
So, let's see what we've here...

* A ridiculous quota system offering 22.5% of the seats for the so-called SC/ST candidates? Check.
* Escalation of stupidity successfully exhibited when this is pushed to 49.5% to include BC's? Check.
* As if 7 is not a nice number, planning to set up 9 more IITs all over the place for some Godforsaken cause? Double Check.

Okay, that's probably enough reason for me to yell about it at whoever it may concern without giving any explanation. But I'm a nice, guy. I explain.
First of all, I do not understand why we have this glorious quota system. Now now, hold your horses.. I want you to remember that I'm talking strictly in the context of the IITs; At present I am not bothered of any other institution - educational or otherwise. I see negligible reason or sense in it, and I'm not typing away just because I've a keyboard here. I have reason. I cannot obviously provide you facts or numbers but here's an, for want of a better term, observation:
I know quite a few guys who've made it to the IITs via the quota system. Now, I have nothing against them - atleast the ones I know are nice chaps and good friends of mine. The problem is, I do not remember any of them getting what you could call 'decent' grades. There's no point in you saying "What's in a grade?" because , again from what I've observed, not many (if not any) have any enthusiasm about the courses they enroll for year after year. Sure, tastes vary and I know a lot of guys who've decided that engineering was not their cup of tea, and I've no problem with that. Let them do something else after they have endured these 4 years... But seriously, what's the bloody use if most of the "22.5%" turn out like that? And them guys ain't like they're into mgmt. or something - I just see them spending their time in blissful activities devoid of any practical use. I know a lot of chaps who are really brainy and dedicated but had to settle for the NIT's..and here I see these chaps gobbling up their positions with no emotion whatsoever.

Discussions like these sometimes do pop up in campus, and a common point raised in their favour goes like this: " A lot of the SC/STs are really underprivileged. They are very poor and couldn't possibly afford this education otherwise. They also need to and should shine.." ...and the crap keeps pouring. In defense, I'd like to point this out: No offense meant, but the people in specific who were saying this wear adidas tees and can afford other expensive rubbish. The type they were mentioning do exist I admit, and probably in a majority, but they are NOT the ones that make it to these IITs. If you really want to help them, help them with their schooling, etc. And if they're intelligent enough to crack the JEE, they're more than welcome here. But a majority of the ones who do turn up belong to the affordable class, who (usually) aren't serious about the educational system here and are here by clearing an abysmally low cutoff in the entrance exam.
Now, as a topping on the trifle, we have an increase in the number of students coming in, not on the basis of what's present between their ears, but because of some social status.
Where are we heading??? I know... In a few years time, I can see a 10% quota introduced for those who've really got the brains. And given the present times, it doesn't really sound too far-fetched.
Why are we dessicating Nehru's vision part by part? He said something equivalent to picking and training the best minds in the country. I didn't think that applied to only half the selected students. Sure sure...the government did keep the number of seats intact for the general category inspite of the new quota. But that hardly solves the problem.. Why? Resources. Some guy at the center thinks he can send shiploads of students to the IITs without giving a lot of thought about the infrastructure.
To top it all, we have the grandest and most irritating thing of all: 9 new IITs. Where you gonna get the faculty eh? Eh?? New institutes are starting with infrastructures that would make a pawnbroker proud. No campus, no staff; Only hundreds of more students coveting the IIT brand. Great. Awesome actually. It's not all bad, as all the bright guys who end up the the various NIT's get to have an IIT stamp. But seriously, do we need 9 IIT's to do that??? The campuses and the infrastructure might eventually be there, but the IITs were setup to provide quality education to those who deserve it. Apparently, we got about that "problem" by poking the word "those who deserve it" enough to dawn upon us that if we simply increase our intake, we'd have more deserving people. A couple of new IIT's would've been a wiser move. But 9? Who's the jackass who even thought about it??

Ten years from now, I really doubt if a guy can proudly go about saying he's an IITian. Ten years from now, paychecks are bound to drop, respect you garner would hit an all-time low and would stay there; The government would pretend as if every thing's perfect and couldn't have better.In some sense, yes. Well, it's all for the votes. We all know that, don't we.............? :)


SandeepS said...

dude the problem with the quota system is not about those who reep the benifits of it not being able to put decent grades, it is not that, infact thats the reason they have put in a quota system, the real problem i think is who are these who actually get the benefits of the system and do they actually need or deserve it , most of my quota friends i dare say are financially in a decent enough position to afford the same education as i did till my +2. the quota system is not all bad , it just isnt right.

Sri said...

I very much agree with you.One thing i seriously feel should be done is provide quality education to all the people(and here i insist economic status shudnt play a role in case of basic necessities like education and health).but then quota syatem is not all bad because its not oly about financial stuff but the way the ppl were treated ,it still effects them psychologically...but the sad thing is only ppl wid gud financial background and educated parents are using this system ..the rest still live the same old life..and the govt. doesnt pay any attention to this ...and increasing number of iits is the worst thing that happen...i really wish iits have their glory forever

Sampath said...

anyways whatever you said was right in fact you have not made a point of yourself but it might well be the view of many of the candidates in the institute. But on e thing i strongly disagree with you is the increase in the number if iit's. iit is an educational institution which is there to provide a quality education and make world class engineers and it is definite that India are in need of world class engineers right now atleast if we want to develop further. The only problem is the way which these are being setup they are just being setup like some local engineering colleges. Not like a world class institution. After all if they want to make world class engineers first provide world class facilities at least have a workshop to start off with.

Ravi... said...

@ Shrek : Actually, i would love it too if education elsewhere is as good as it is at the iits, but for various reasons,all of which i cannot fathom or list here, that seems near impossible. If that's so, all I ask is not to have a quota system at least in the IITs. Elsewhere, you can have it(already in place!). And c'mon, their treatment isn't bad nowadays, at least in cities. Infact, we don't even know/bother bout the castes of our mates at school. As u said, this is probably seen in people living the 'same old life'

Ravi... said...

@ Prosti: srry, procrasti.....
True, the question is ultimately 'do they deserve wats offered to them on a platter - atleast the ones coming in'. But apart from the financial status issue,don't u think ill-use by most of 'em is just another point to state 'maybe they don't deserve it' or something equivalent?

Ravi... said...

@ Stump san: Whatever u said is completely true man, 'but all I am saying is' [:)] we probably don't need 9 more!! As i said, isn't a few more good enough? Like 3 perhaps? I mean, a 128.57% increase all of a sudden doesn't look too good. Especially the near 50% reservation, which translates to people in 8 IIT's
enjoying world class education purely on the basis of some stupid classification.

Sampath said...

guy1: yeh India hai yeha asia hi hota hai? kuch nahi kar sakthe hai hum!

guy2: koi bhi desh perfect nahi hotha hai? use perfect banana padtha hai.....

sounds like it.....

people who should take some crucial decisions are not at all perfect

and people who want the decisions to be perfect dont want to be the ones who take the decision.

SandeepS said...

well i dont quite agree that the backward castes or the STs and SCs dont Deserve reservation as such, rem that it is not just for their upliftment but as a token of gratitude for all the ill their grandfathers and stuff suffered at the hands of the so called upper castes. certain sections of the society does need it, but i just dont think those who are actually using it actually went thru any kind of social discrimination at any point of their life .

Ravi... said...

@ Sandy :
Some small clarification..i am not against reservation in its entirety; i say it makes no sense to have it in an institute which specifically boasts to train the best minds...blah blah.. Either drop the reservation or drop the claim. And i personally feel there are more effective methods of showing a token of gratitude..